IEEE Encourages Consumers to Learn about the Analog to Digital Broadcast Transition

17 November—For the last nine years, the broadcast industry has been preparing for a fundamental shift in the way that broadcast signals are delivered to the American public. The actual full-power transition from analog television to exclusive use of digital television formally began in May 1999 and will be completed on February 17, 2009 at 11:59 p.m. when all full-power analog signals are required by Congressional law (Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Act of 2005) to be turned off.

The IEEE, along with numerous leading broadcast and technology organizations, is helping to ensure that the public is aware of this change and is armed with the information and resources to make necessary changes. Additionally, the IEEE wants to ensure that consumers understand the benefits available to them by taking full advantage of the digital signal.As part of the IEEE initiative, the organization has developed a Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 129 KB) document, which it is circulating to all major media outlets and posting on several Web sites.

Read the full press release. (PDF, 336 KB)


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