Report on JDBC session

A session was organized by JISB on 16 October, 2008 in JIITU campus, which covered Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) taken by 3rd year CSE students (Aishwarya Gupta, Mayank Tayal, Arpit Agarwal , Vivek Gupta and Shubham Gupta).

The session started with the feedback regarding student’s expectations from the session and current knowledge in this field. The lecture started with the introduction of JDBC with the consideration of newness of the students in this topic.

Basics of JDBC were explained followed by the explanation of different type of drivers. Varun Mittal (Vice Chairman, JISB) made the explanation of these drivers more clearly by taking up some real life examples. The lecture proceeded further with the explanation and live demos of ms-access and mysql connectivity codes.

The second yr students had shown great interest and patience in understanding relatively new topic and maintained the decorum of the session. Queries and doubts regarding whole session were entertained.

The session concluded with the project demonstration by Shubham Gupta 3rd year CSE branch. The session was a great success and received a lot of appreciation.

By Aishwarya Gupta, Mayank Tayal

(JISB members)


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